If you're looking for beautiful, varied Platycerium, you've come to the right place.

Meiyi Fern is a Platycerium nursery in Chiang Mai, Thailand and can offer worldwide delivery, complete with phytosanitary.If you want to come to Thailand for local sourcing, Meiyi Fern also offer car pickup and drop off, Thai translation, and show you around nurseries all over Thailand. Feel free to write email to Meiyi. ell@meiyifern.com 美懿Fern是在泰國清邁的鹿角蕨苗圃,可以提供全世界的配送服務,配有phytosanitary。如果你想來泰國當地採購,美懿也提供汽車接送,泰語翻譯,帶你逛全泰國的苗圃。 歡迎寫郵件給美懿。aloha.ell@gmail.com

Hello. I’m Mei Yi. I’m in Thailand. I sell platycerium all over the world.

The leaves of all plants are called leaves, but the leaves of ferns are called fronds, and they are different from other plants. See, ferns are so special.

Apart from the special English word, ferns are also different from other common plants. It doesn’t bloom, it doesn’t bear fruit, it doesn’t have seeds, and it relies on spore to reproduce. It does not need any other medium to transmit pollen, it can reproduce by itself, silently and self-reliant.

We go to the park, often admire those colourful flowers, but seldom notice the deep background: different procedures of green.

Green has always been a background that receives little attention. So the ferns are hard to notice.

Now, Meiyi wants to bring to the fore the old ferns, which are often used only as a background.

It’s not new things or new concepts that are good, it’s the old things, the traditional concepts, that have amazing beauty and deep value, that we need to treasure, because that’s the foundation of the world’s prosperity and stability.

Pilgrim has always been there, and conservatives can no longer be silent in the background of the world, but should be in the foreground, speaking the truth loudly.

God bless you!









God bless you!

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